Technologies By QMAT
Blockchain is a decentralized, decentralized public digital ledger used to record transactions across many computers, so unless it changes the consensus of all subsequent blocks and networks, the record cannot be changed. It cannot be changed retroactively. This allows participants to cost-effectively validate and audit their transactions. Physical power can be easily measured for production and consumption, but not for (REC). For her REC purchasers, such as individuals and businesses that have made a sustainability commitment to their customers, demonstrating REC’s tangible ownership is paramount.
Once a REC transaction is written to the public blockchain network, anyone can verify the individual ownership of his MWh in his RECclaimed by the green company.
Metering is the source of all REC-generated data and is therefore one of the primary gateways to potentially fraudulent information. QMAT will use its own internal smart meter for all generators registered on the platform as a RECs seller. Our smart meters are tamper-proof and compatible with the most internationally recognized grading revenue system.
One of the main differentiators of our platform is our AI ability to provide customers with unmatched security in terms of REC’s strict proprietary rights. In the unfortunate scenario of a REC seller double-selling its generation to another buyer, our AI bot can recognize claims appearing on both mainstream and social media platforms. When similar REC claims are made to contemporary assets registered via the blockchain network, the client can be identified and informed of appropriate action. With this technology, we hope to take customer trust to the next level.
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